10 life principals to live by
Over the last 15 years, I developed a set of core beliefs that have allowed me — along with everyone I’ve coached and mentored — to live a life of authenticity and one they love.
These beliefs are what lifted me out of the darkest days in my life — when I was told to plan Stella’s funeral. They shift your perspective to one of positivity where absolutely anything is possible. And I’m living proof that anything really is possible.
When you embody that simple belief, you’ll notice that positive change is easier and that setbacks no longer dishearten you. Start today, take conscious, inspired action towards the life you want — on your terms, become the captain of your own life and see the miracles unfold.
principle 1: live from a place of gratitude
Start and end your day with feelings of gratitude and your entire world will open up to the joy, beauty and love it holds.
Everything you need or want is already inside you, so train your brain to see the beauty in what you already have. Recognize what you are thankful for, and you’ll be amazed as just how much you have.
principle 2: get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable
There will be hurdles you need to overcome. You will have days where you feel anger, resentment, jealousy, fear and frustration. Don’t give in to these feelings, learn from them — allow them to guide you to a place that brings you the joy, and love you want.
This is exactly when most people throw in the towel and say ‘I quit’, but not you my beautiful friend, you have planned for the marathon, life is a journey and when you acknowledge there will be hurdles, you can choose to crash into them or leap like a gazelle over them. Growth is possible, celebrate that you are on the right path.
If you want to create any change in your life, you’re going to have to walk on unfamiliar paths. Step outside your comfort zone and this means getting uncomfortable. So roll up your sleeves beautiful and prepare to get a little dirty, I promise, it’s worth it!
principle 3: stay in your own lane
It’s easy to get pulled in different directions, swept off your feet by the latest and greatest trend. But ask yourself, ‘is this true to me?’ The only thing that matters is finding happiness on your terms.
There will always be someone who inspires you. Maybe they have more money than you, achieved more, travelled to the places you want to visit, but if you measure yourself against others, you will always fall short. Inspiration is one thing, but when it turns into comparison you loose.
Focus on you! Be YOU! Stay authentic and focus on your values and goals and you’ll get there when the time is right.
principle 4: be responsible for your life
You create your life. Make your own choices, actions and stand by what you believe in. No one else can live your life so why let them dictate how to live it?
Sure, there are circumstances you have no control over, but how you respond is on you. If you’ve been dealt a crappy hand take responsibility for the actions which led to this and choose again.
Recognition is the first step, and the sooner you take radical responsibility for your life, the sooner you get to live the life you want.
principle 5: plan for a marathon not a sprint
Simple, small changes over time lead to the epic results that you can sustain. Life unfolds with both ease and challenges. When you plan for the long journey you become unstoppable. You are prepared for the unexpected and can respond with a clear conscious vs. react from a place of fear.
If you are going through a rough patch, take comfort knowing this too shall pass. That’s how life works. Just like the ocean, you will surf the highs and ride out the lows, but don’t waste your precious energy on quick fixes — they simply don’t last.
principle 6: do over’s are absolutely ok
If you are unhappy with the way you life looks right now, that’s okay. You can create again, and again and again. My husband wears a Maori necklace with the symbol of ‘New Beginnings’ and this expression has truly been one we’ve adopted over the years.
Every day is a fresh start. Every second is an opportunity to do over. It is NEVER too late to choose again, pivot or create a brand new future.
Releasing unnecessary stress to be ‘perfect’ allows you to grow and flourish and sometimes that means you start again.
principle 7: release what is out of your control
If you are hanging on with tiger claws to what is out of your control you are wasting precious time and energy. Instead focus on what you can control, and take massive steps with a clear mind towards them. Focus on what really matters most: your health and happiness. And if you need a little inspiration…
principle 8: be the solution
Lead by example. Be the solution to your own problems and create awareness in the lives of those who love and respect you. It takes curiosity, courage, and determination to make any change. Any inspired action you take is better than not trying.
principle 9: the universe has your back
The Universe is listening. If you are tired and fed up of living the way you are flip your dialogue from one of negativity to one of positivity. You attract what you think. If you say you will never find true love, make enough money, or loose the extra 10 lbs you are carrying; guess what — you won’t!
Adopt the mindset that ‘YES YOU CAN’. Don’t say or think anything you don’t want to manifest, and if your inner dialogue gets the best of you. Do over… think again… choose again.
The Universe will give you more of what you think, feel and do, so be careful with your words.
principle 10: believe in the process
Show up every day — even when you feel you can’t!
Do the best you can every day! Your best is good enough!
Be the best version of yourself every day — even when it feels difficult.
If you believe in yourself, and apply yourself consistently, you WILL see and feel results.
Which of these principals resonates most with you and which will you embody today? I’d love to hear what principals you live by be sure to send me an email to Hello@amandastansfield.com and leave a comment. I read every single one!