10 ways to mindfully transition into fall


I don’t know about you, but my heart feels fuller during the summer vs. winter months. I love the heat, feeling sand in between my toes and I love being able to sit outdoors and breathe in fresh air and feel the sunshine on my face.

I find simple pleasures by just being still and listening nature. My mood is lighter, I have an abundance of energy and joy with the longer days, blue sky and waking to the sound of birds chirping.  However, around this time each year, I feel a dip in my mood with the realization summer is close to an end. It’s a combination of my girls returning to school, our days getting shorter, feeling a chill in the air and the reality that my summer rituals are coming to an end.

Some transitions are easier than others and we’ve all had our fair share of challenging times this year, so as we move into fall, let’s be mindful of shifting our focus towards  what matters most: your health and happiness!

I have absolutely loved sitting outside first thing in the morning with my cup of matcha and a good book. Picnic lunches in our back garden and sunny evenings on our back patio and being able to harvest our own veggies.

A couple weeks ago we took a road trip to Leavenworth, which is in the mountains… hot during the day, but quite chilly at night.  It was clear that fall is definitely in the air. Evenings required bundling up with blankets to keep us warm while eating dinner outside. Yet there was something really comforting about keeping this simple ritual going. This gave me the idea to be more intentional as we move into fall by keeping a few of my favourite summer rituals going to make this transition period so much smoother enjoyable and meaningful.

Being intentional also means life doesn’t just happen and pass on by. Instead, you are an active participant and get to choose what this next season will bring.


Be thoughtful about how you spend and share your time and energy. Stay connected to what matters most, and the things and people who inspire and lift you up.

Remember your mindset is everything. How you perceive the world is a direct reflection of what’s happening inside of you. If your closet, and desk tend to be cluttered and unorganized, chances are that’s how you feel on the inside too. If so, does this serve you? Remember, you are in control of how your life looks.

I choose happiness, gratitude and love.

Let’s create and build momentum by focusing on what brings you the most joy and sprinkle a little of it everywhere you go and to everyone you come into contact with… socially distancing of course!

Changes in season are the perfect time to REFOCUS on big picture goals… but equally important is to take time out to truly enjoy daily life.

Each season brings something unique we can appreciate and look forward to. I love to check out what is seasonal at the farmers market and diversify my cooking to include those items. I also love walking outdoors and seeing the incredible beauty Momma Nature provides us during the fall months.

As we shift into fall, let’s consider how to do it with a new found awareness, appreciation and sense of joy.

Rituals I lean on to as we transition into fall:

1. Set new intentions:

As I’ve gotten older, one of my favorite rituals EVER is to set intentions. I do this to carve out what is most important each day, week, season and even year. Once I have created my list, I review it weekly (ok, daily) and check in to see if I need to tweak it. It allows me to see my growth and where I’m off balance. Being self employed and naturally a creative, it’s easy to get caught up and side tracked with big new ideas, and then I’m left not getting much of anything done. Being mindful of my big picture intentions is hands down the best way I’ve found to stay CCC — clear, connected and committed to my larger vision.

Here’s a couple ways to get started with manifesting:

  1. Get clear on what you want with a positive mindset. Be clear on your why you want this, and how it will benefit you. How does it make you feel having this? How can it
  2. What steps do you need to take to get closer to this goal? Is there anything or anyone that stands in your way?
  3. Believe in yourself… write a mantra of affirmation.
  4. Visualize what you want to manifest, take time to think, feel and see what you want to manifest. Meditation works wonders here.
  5. Take action.
  6. Enjoy and share your success with others.

2. Journaling/Gratitude practice:

Whether you think of yourself as a natural writer or not…. starting a gratitude practice and/or journaling is possible for everyone. You heard me right!  It is the BEST way to stay grounded. Lean into what is most important in life and get crystal clear on any thoughts, emotions, feelings, dreams etc.

Journaling allows you to lean into the rawness of what is happening “inside” of you. We all live far too externally and rely on what others think, and what they think of us. Reflecting on our own past and current path, allows you to get clear of what you really want in life. As the season changes, my gratitude practice expands. I make conscious notations of the beauty I see and not what I’m missing, this helps make the cold, dark mornings more enjoyable.

Here’s a couple prompts if you’re not sure how to get started:

“As we transition into fall, I will release ____ and expand ____.”
“I’m grateful to be able to ____ this fall.”
“My mantra this season is to ____ ”
“I am most grateful for ______”

3. Find new seasonal recipes to try:

I absolutely love finding and personalizing new recipes. Trying out new ingredients and cooking with as much seasonal produce that I can. You know I’m obsessed with just about any veggie that is green. But I also love all the different varieties of squash and root vegetables. Think heart warming soups, and curry… yummy! Check out the recipe section for delicious healthy recipe ideas. This Hearty Lentil Soup is crazy simple to make, delicious and one of my girls favourites.

Purple veggies

4. Deep clean one area of my home:

You’ve read my previous post on how to detox your home and ditch clutter. My hubby takes this quite serious! I must admit, he is much better at it than I am, but reminds me how grateful I feel afterwards. Next time you are sitting binge watching Netflix (I know it’s happening at your house too!), dump out your ‘everything’ drawer and be ruthless.

Create new space and really consider why you hold onto things. — I’m still working on this too, so don’t think I’m perfect by any means. Can you reuse it? Donate it to charity to be repurposed, try not to trash anything if you can help it, and remember to recycle or compost whenever possible.

Clutter in our environment is a direct reflection on the clutter inside our minds and hearts. There is an incredible freeing sensation when you can release what no longer serves you.

5. Soul check in and re-affirming self-care practices:

Take time to identify any new seasonal self-care practices and routines that your skin, body and mind needs to flourish.  In the fall I like to focus on the health of my skin and repair any skin damage from my summer outdoor activities. This is the time when I add back in organic acids and exfoliants to my skin care regime and I like to get chemical peels and laser treatment.

I also have to get my body outdoors every day regardless of the weather. Seasonal affective disorder is serious and at times I feel my own winter blues setting in. This is the number way I can quickly reaffirm to my health and spiritual practice.

On chilly evenings I love to give myself a special treat, something I should do more often… a goddess bath. I slather a hydrating mask on my face, light candles and listen to an audio book or podcast. There’s nothing I love more than a warm epsom salt bath and my favorite face mask.

To keep my immune system strong, I add an immune boosting adaptogen to my supplement routine and interchange matcha with turmeric lattes.

I love diffusing warm, comforting essential oils, right now, I’m loving these blends:

6. Keep my body moving:

Muscle memory is REAL. And lack of motivation is too. More than ever we all need a daily dose of movement and if going to your favourite studio or gym is not possible, use Momma Nature as your guide. Walk, run, hike or go for a bike ride.

As often as I teach Barre and Yoga, I too have days where at 5pm I need another 5 minutes of movement to uplift my spirits. If you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions of your workouts or can’t quite motivate yourself to make it to the mat… try something new and challenging?

7. kitchen clean out

Just like our closets and junk drawers, our kitchen can get cluttered and filled with things we’ve forgotten about. As our food habits change with the season, be sure to dig deep into the corners of your pantry, fridge and freezer. Check the expiry dates and clear out anything old, then give the shelves a deep clean. (I use a blend of distilled water, white vinegar and a couple drops of lemongrass essential oil)

Then… make a list of your pantry staples you need to restock (hands down one of my favourite things to do is replenish my pantry with fresh spices) If you need some ideas, here is my FREE full printable grocery list of all my favorite pantry items to inspire you.

8. start a new book

This year I have much more focused on internal growth and leaning into a gentle approach to my health and mindset. I think we put too much pressure on ourselves to achieve and be a certain way and often we come up short and left disappointed.

Our world is suffering and in turn so are we. While our stories are different at the end of the day we all have similar goals… to be happy, healthy and to feel loved. This summer has taught me so much about myself and the pressure I’ve put on myself both as a mum, caregiver and business owner. I’d to hear how this summer has impacted you. Feel free to email me, I read every single one. hello@amandastansfield.com

Every season, I love to seek out a couple new pod-casts and treat myself to a new audio book to listen to on my morning walks with Luna and when creating new recipes. My favourite way to absorb new information and to fully relax is to sit with a cup of tea and a real book.

my new fav’s I’ve found so far I’m excited about for Fall:

Podcasts: On Purpose with Jay Shetty & The Sakara Life Podcast

Books: Educated by Tara Westover and A Course of Miracles.

9. closet clearout, RRR the old (recycle, reuse, repurpose)… and in with the new

It’s no secret….. my mind and body thrive in the warmer weather. But what helped me enjoy the Pacific Northwest cold and wet winter days was actually taking the time/intention to invest in quality colder weather gear that allows me to still get outside regardless of the weather.

Having a super warm coat is essential – I naturally run cold, (a waterproof one for rain and a puffy one when it’s dry but still cold out). Rain boots are an absolute must, same with waterproof snow boots, umbrellas that work, and a cute hat and gloves are the essentials to keep me motivated to head outdoors for some fresh air even on the worst days. Believe me, on cold, damp days, it’s my inclination to pass on invitations to be outdoors, but having the right gear gives me confidence that I will enjoy myself without freezing to death.  

10. Make a seasonal wish list:

Not knowing how the holidays will look and whether or not I get to be with my out of town family  gives me reason to be purposeful with what I can control. Who knows whether our borders are open to travel to/from other countries and with my family split between 4 countries it’s critical for me to have a list of seasonal must-dos that I can look forward to.

We are talking about planning a drive-able vacation or taking the train somewhere. (Let me know your suggestions). The girls have asked to go apple picking, roasting pumpkin seeds on the weekend and buying an outdoor fireplace so we can continue our evenings outdoors. You’ll still find me bundled up with my Ugg boots, hat, gloves and a ton of blankets.

I’m looking forward to creating new heartwarming soups, and will be making the real deal pumpkin spice turmeric latte (meaning fresh pumpkin, not store bought) and a raw vegan pumpkin torte. But mostly, I look forward to quiet, quality evenings with my family, playing games, ditching technology and creating lasting memories.

What are YOU looking forward to in this new season?

With love and gratitude,