5 ways to connect with your inner goddess

Connecting with your inner goddess provides you with an instant boost of happiness, radiance and vitality. Not to mention, you enhance your sexiness and confidence too. But, it does take a little effort on your part!

As women, living in a man’s world – a highly competitive and career motivated world. We can become distracted from our feminine ways. As our to-do lists get longer we lose sight of our feminine energy “yin” and turn towards the masculine “yang” to stay afloat.

Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with excelling in your career, and wanting to do it all – juggling momma life and career life. You might be riding an absolute high and excelling financially and feeling on top of the world. And from the outside you are probably worshipped from all your friends how amazing it is to have it all.

As life becomes hectic your inner goddess loses her sparkle. You end up feeling stressed, worn-out and burned-out. Or, the really scary word depressed? If this is you, yup, my beautiful soul, your sparkle needs relighting.


Nurture your inner goddess for a vibrant life


We need to bring gentleness back, and we need to slow down and re-prioritize what is most important. And, it’s easier than you might think.

Here are 5 ways to embrace your inner feminine goddess, and to let her shine!

1. Celebrate YOU

Stop for a moment and think back the last time you did something just for you? And I’m not talking about the time when you skipped lunch to race off to a yoga class where your mind couldn’t quite relax because you were worried about dashing out the door while patting down your face with baby wipes to make it back to work on time. I want to know when you did something EPIC just for you!

2. Wow yourself(take action)

Ever wanted to try something new but thought nah… I can’t do that? Go on, give it a go beautiful!

Perhaps, you’ve wanted to reach out to a special someone but thought it’s not the right time… honey what are you waiting for?

Remember the last time you worked your tush during a workout session, left with an incredible high, but alas, haven’t made the time to go back… get your tush moving!

Tune into your goddess energy, is it time to rest and restore? Or is it time to get out there and squash goals and further yourself?

We spend far too much time admiring others lives, which leads to the compare and despair party. This is your time to take action. Remind yourself when this happens; she’s doing it and SO CAN YOU! – This is one of my favourite mantras! Remember darling, there is a place for your beautiful uniqueness in this world, all it takes is you taking action!

3. Engage in deep soulful sex! (gasp)

When you are stuck inside your head, and constantly thinking of your next project or to-do list, it is tough to switch into the mindset you need to really connect with your partner. You either switch on auto-pilot and go through the motions just to get it over and done with, or sex becomes a forgotten part of your relationship. Sound familiar?

Release your inner goddess! We are sexual beings and part of being human is to feel a deep soulful connection with your partner. Engaging in soulful sex will instantly release your inner goddess, you will feel feminine, sexy, alive and wanted! We all have a desire to be wanted, appreciated and respected. This is where you need to use your voice. Rather than slipping back into the status quo, speak to your partner and share what it is you are craving. Remember this is as much your sacred time as it is theirs.

Sacred intimacy creates a sensual language between you and your partner that expresses who you are, what you desire, and reveals as much about your heart and mind as is does your body. Sensuality doesn’t require touch – you can touch each other with your eyes, your heart and your words if you are open. And if you currently don’t have a partner, it’s ok, this is the perfect time to explore your beautiful body and what it is you desire.

4. Dress the part!

Honey, this means it’s time to take off your pants! Feminine energy is pure movement, it doesn’t want to be restricted and it definitely doesn’t want to be told how to feel.

I know it’s painful to say goodbye to your yoga pants, or comfy sweats when all you want to do after a long day at the office is to feel comfy. But, if wearing slacks or jeans is your typical work attire it’s time to change it up.  Put on your favourite flowy dress or skirt and notice immediately how your femininity and inner goddess starts to shine.

5. Connect with nature

I read once that Mother Earth is the Goddess of all Goddesses. With our hectic and over stimulating lifestyles we often forget how freeing and incredibly awakening it is when you step back into nature.

Some of you probably spend all day in an air-conditioned office, never stepping foot outside to breathe fresh air and then head straight home only to sit on your couch and binge netflix.

Nurture your femininity! Spending time in nature is an absolute must. Close your eyes and be still. What do you feel? What do you smell? What sounds do you hear? You don’t have to be skydiving, swimming in the ocean or hiking in the forest to feel the powerful energy shift from mother nature. Sometimes the tiniest moments provide the biggest reward. Whether it be walking around the block on your lunch break (without staring at your phone), playing with your pup at the park, holding your lovers hand while going for a walk, reading a book in your back garden or meditating in the sunshine, make the effort to spend time outdoors… I promise you will feel rewarded!

Do you have a favourite way to nurture your inner goddess? Be sure to let me know and share all your ideas with a friend who might need a gentle nudge! I’d love you to pin it on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram(tag me @achampagneyogi, #achampagneyogi)!

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