self care made easy (my 3 pillars of wellness)
Caregivers, WellnessHiya Beautiful!Why is it so hard to squeeze a few precious minutes of self-care into our lives? I bet you've struggled more than a few times to create or stay consistent with healthy rituals — you know... the ones that allow you to connect…

Monday Motivation: my 60 ways to be thankful
Caregivers, WellnessBeing thankful is so much more than saying thank you for the food on your plate or being grateful for having a roof over your head. Practicing gratitude is a mindset and most importantly a lifestyle. It's a feeling of appreciation for what comes…

Make Time For You
CaregiversWhile panic and fear are the dominant emotions in our world at this time, you might be feeling isolated, uncertain and confused. You might be thinking you don't have enough time to think of yourself and if this is the case, I promise you,…

Monday Motivation: Confidence
Caregivers, WellnessIf you are waiting for confidence to come tap you on the shoulder, and tell you she is ready to party, you are going to be waiting a LONG time my love.We all have 2 voices inside our head. One is more like the class bully who tells you that…

Why I journal (and so should you)
Caregivers, WellnessJournaling is a powerful tool you can use anytime you are in need of a little self-love. It's how I start and end my day. It's been a huge part of my healing process and has radically transformed my mental health. It can help you too.First…

Monday Motivation: Transformation
CaregiversSpring always feels transformative to me. There are physical changes happening everywhere outdoors. Here in Seattle our skies are bluer, and even though it's still fairly chilly the sun is more present. Vibrant colorful flowers are popping out…

How I prioritize recovery in the morning…
CaregiversThis is a very personal and heart-felt post as it describes how I prioritize my recovery after Stella has spiraled out of her major seizure episodes.As a caregiver to a special needs young adult (gosh, it's actually mind boggling to think…

25 ways to practice Gratitude that you can start Today!
Caregivers, WellnessGratitude is an emotion that is both uplifting and empowering. The tiniest gesture of gratitude towards yourself or others can completely transform your mood and your day.keep a gratitude journal and write in every day smile at a stranger …

My December top 10 to-do list
Caregivers, WellnessHappy December! ✨While many of your to-do lists this month will include buying and doing for others, remember you deserve a little you time. And you are HUMAN! You don't have to do it all. Be sure to download my 30 days of Self Love if you…

Wellness Activity: Write yourself a Love Letter!
Caregivers, WellnessLove is the greatest experience to have, share, and to feel. There is nothing more sacred than the love between momma and baby, true soul mates, best friends and everyone in between. Love has no boundaries, there is no judgment, no expectations,…

How to use mantras and affirmations to empower your children
CaregiversHave you ever heard your child put herself down or say she is not good at something? Maybe something like, "everyone else is so much better at math than me", "I'm the worst at...", or "I can't run fast like...". I bet your heart melted and all…