self care made easy (my 3 pillars of wellness)
Caregivers, WellnessHiya Beautiful!Why is it so hard to squeeze a few precious minutes of self-care into our lives? I bet you've struggled more than a few times to create or stay consistent with healthy rituals — you know... the ones that allow you to connect…
How a simple mantra transformed my body image perception
CaregiversCreating a mantra is a powerful technique to use during any times of struggle you may be having and to recognize how you would feel once you get through it. How a simple mantra completely transformed my perception When I was struggling emotionally…
Monday Motivation: Write yourself a self-love letter
CaregiversAs we get closer to the holidays we often forget about ourselves to focus our energy on our loved ones. We spend very little time honoring what our mind, body and spirit needs this time of year.To get a jump start on our 30 days of SELF-LOVE…
Announcing the 30 Day Self-Love challenge
Caregivers, WellnessCan you believe it, we are so close to the holidays, and a brand new decade is only 2 months away! Mmm, if that causes a little stress I'm right there with you.Before you know it, you'll be decorating your Christmas tree (if you celebrate…
Monday Motivation: Total Acceptance
CaregiversToday's Monday Motivation conversation is about Total Acceptance and Living without judgment.Most of us live our days constantly seeking approval and recognition from others, while at the same time judging ourselves. We crave attention…
Monday Motivation: Taking inspired action
CaregiversToday's Monday Motivation conversation is about taking inspired action. The timing to be proactive is perfectly aligned with the energy from this month's full moon, called the Hunters moon. What is stopping you from stepping into your power? Now…
Monday Motivation: Fall Equinox
CaregiversMarch and September each contain one of the only two days when daylight and darkness are in near-perfect harmony no matter where you live. This year the fall equinox occurs at 12:50am PST Monday September 23rd. What does this mean? The word…
Monday Motivation… What’s my why?
CaregiversToday's post is inspired by a last minute question I asked myself on my drive into the studio today. Traffic was backed up around the block and then some. It wasn't moving at all. Drivers were trying to cut one another off and honking their…
Happiness is a choice – soul share
CaregiversToday's post is a deep soul share, one I hope many of you can resonate with and find inspiration in.Can you honestly say you are happy? When things don't necessarily go your way do you see the goodness in all the clutter? Can you find peace…
5 ways to connect with your inner goddess
CaregiversConnecting with your inner goddess provides you with an instant boost of happiness, radiance and vitality. Not to mention, you enhance your sexiness and confidence too. But, it does take a little effort on your part!As women, living in a…
Monday Motivation: Choose You
CaregiversToday's Monday Motivation is the reminder we all need to hear: Choose YOU!We spend so much time doing for others. Whether it's for our kids, partner, parents, colleagues, friends, neighbors, church or other community group. We put their…