Health basics for your littles


As a momma of 3, I know how important health awareness is for your littles. That’s why I created this simple HEALTH BASICS for your littles (children) checklist to follow.

You are your child’s role model in every area of life. Children even at the age of 1 day old are watching your every move and listening to your words and tone of voice. I’m not here to preach a specific diet, or tell you how to raise your child. But I want is to inspire you to take educated steps in providing your child the very best environment for her to prosper. (I say her, because I have 3 girls and it’s my norm!!)


If you eat a rich diet mostly of plant based foods, you are setting your child up to grow into a healthy strong adult. Provide a wide variety of fruit and vegetables herbs and spices to grow their openness to new flavours and textures.

Cutting out refined sugars, food colourings, simple carbohydrates and bad fats from day 1 helps support healthy food choices for later in life.


Daily movement is a must. If it’s raining throw on a raincoat, some wellies and get moving outside. Our littles don’t care if it’s raining, and jumping in muddy puddles can be a huge highlight of a toddlers day. (muddy puddles were a favourite activity when Serena was little)

Indoor dance parties are a fun activity the entire family can participate in. We often start our day with a random dance party º 5 minutes of giggles, dancing and quality time is the best way to start anyone’s day right?

Get into nature – explore new parks, beaches, forests or simply walk your neighborhood. Seeing the world through the eyes of your little allows you a glimpse into the inner workings of their brain.

Team sports are a fantastic way for shy kiddos to break out of their shell, and it encourages teamwork and communication skills which are important qualities for our growing littles.

Whatever your preferred exercise is, let your children join in. Serena randomly teaches yoga and barre moves to her friends. I’ve been asked to teach at her school on more than one occasion just because she’s talked about it. Remember they are observing EVERYTHING you say and do!

First Aid:

Carrying basic first aid items with you can be as simple as a lavender and frankincense roller ball. You can apply this to most wounds (yes even oral, if you are using CPTG essential oils). Remove unnecessary toxic products from your bathroom cabinet and personal care items so there is never a worry of accidental exposure, and turn your home into a clean living home. From your food, self care products to your household cleaning products – make them toxic free. Free of chemicals, pesticides, and fragrances.

Time together:

Probably THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL! Put away your phone, turn off the TV and spend quality time together. Your child craves your attention, when they act out chances are they need YOU to be present. Carve out some 1:! time, pop it into your calendar and stick to it! This will be a routine you will both cherish and look forward to, and this is how lifetime memories are created.


Creating healthy sleep patterns is important not only for you so you can function and be the best parent. But for your growing child’s brain, she needs a minimum of 10 hours of sleep every night. Remove technology and all blue light an hour before bedtime. Turn bedtime into a time to connect, cuddle and be together. Bedtime stories and songs can be their favourite part of the day, just because they have you all to themselves. At our house we wind down with games, followed by brushing teeth etc.

When Serena or Stella climb into bed their bedrooms are turned into a place of quiet. Quiet music is playing, calming essential oils are diffusing and they each have their favourite teddy (of the day) waiting. We read for 30 minutes, spend 5-20 minutes meditating together which turns into blissful sleep for us both.


Creating healthy practices at a young age sets your child up for success later in life. My oldest daughter is now 24 (soon to be 25) and I’ve learned the importance of quality time. It doesn’t matter what you do together, creating memories together is which matters the most.


Let me know your favourite activities to do with your littles. I’d love you to share all about them on Facebook. Post your story on Instagram (tag me @achampagneyogi and #achampagneyogi) I’d love to hear all about your healthy lifestyle choices for you and your family.

Share our little secret with your friends and family. Healthy is sexy! Be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter to receive health tips, recipes, motivation mantras direct to your inbox.

XO Amanda