How to remain hopeful when the person you care for is struggling?
This is a powerful question! One I know far too well.
Here is my honest truth… I am not always hopeful, but I do my best in the moment. And when in doubt, I turn to my self-love practice… it’s a muscle that needs strengthening often to be effective.
Here is what I do know:
Acceptance is key
It’s okay to feel helpless and deflated at times. You want to do whatever you can for the person you care for. Feeling emotional is okay… in fact own that emotion!
Be compassionate with yourself. Reach out to a friend or family member for support and share how you are feeling. Remember you do not have to be superwoman! Often your support circle doesn’t know you need them, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!
This is a great time to journal, and put your feelings down on paper. Do whatever allows you to honor YOU in this moment.
Honor you!
Chronic stress can be debilitating, and if you are not taking care of your health and happiness you cannot be the caregiver your loved one needs and relies on. When you are so worn down, and left feeling depleted you must turn to your self-care rituals. Use my self love menu as a tool to increase your happiness, it can be your inner wisdom in time of need. Most often, when we are at our lowest, we quite often neglect our own health — this doesn’t need to happen.
Tomorrow is a new day
You can start fresh tomorrow. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve, knowing that tomorrow you will be stronger.
Time is a powerful healer. Hopelessness and helplessness are emotions of being human. But so are hopefulness, strength and perseverance. Don’t deny or judge any feelings that you might have as right or wrong. When we suffer, our emotions reflect that, and that’s okay!
I want you to know you are not alone! If you as a caregiver are struggling with hopelessness I hear you, I experience it too.
Sending you so much love, and respect. You are stronger than you think!