Monday Motivation: letting go of fear

Today’s Monday Motivation is about letting go off fear.

Far too often when we think about our future an overwhelming sense of fear and worry takes over. This is the perfect time to STOP “Negative Nellie” in her tracks and remind yourself how much you have to be grateful for in this very moment!

The last couple years have been tough ones for me. I lost my Nanna, the woman who raised me, and I’ve witnessed the health of my daughter drastically decline. I admit it’s easy to allow sadness to take over all areas of your life. But this is when we can turn mini moments of joy and happiness into a celebration. Celebrating Life in it’s true form is at the heart of being a ChampagneYogi.

We don’t know where our future will take us, but what I do know is the power of your breathe can allow gratitude and peace to crowd out the feelings of suffering and loss. By simply breathing into what’s happening right now in this very moment and letting go off fear, bit by bit.

Download my free self-love rituals and each day fill your cup with an act of kindness.

If you enjoyed today’s Monday Motivation let me know and share it with a friend! I’d love you to pin it on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram(tag me @amandavs, #amandavs and #healthyissexy), I’d love to see how you nourish yourself with acts of self-love!

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xo Amanda