Make Time For You
While panic and fear are the dominant emotions in our world at this time, you might be feeling isolated, uncertain and confused. You might be thinking you don’t have enough time to think of yourself and if this is the case, I promise you, you will burn out. If you’ve been told to work from home, or forced to stay home to take care of your children you must carve out some precious time for you. Our world is hurting right now. If you are a natural caregiver like me you feel the pain and desperately want to help. You want to fix things and make sure everyone in your life is safe, happy and healthy. It’s natural to put others needs before your own when you are a parent or caregiver. It’s also natural to feel overwhelmed and helpless during a crisis.
So let’s dial it back a little. Take the time to slow down. Create space to be more present, mindful and in tune with how YOU are feeling. Make YOU time a priority. And let’s agree on this one thing. If you get sick, suffer from stress overload, start to panic you will be of no help to anyone else let alone yourself.
Here are 5 simple tips to carve out YOU TIME.
One of my favourite tips for making me time. Is to make time. Take an hour off, or better yet the day away from technology. Sounds scary right? But seriously, we are ALL addicted to our phones, ipads, and laptops. I’m the first to admit I am. Does this sound like you too? “What if so and so needs to reach me and I’m on airplane mode”. Or, I’ll just sneak a peek at instagram, and then a full 20 minutes has passed. Ugh…
Give your mind TIME to be free from overstimulation. This allows your creative juices to flow and where the magic happens.
You’ve heard me say it before. Put your thoughts down on paper –– whatever comes to mind. Not sure where to start? Start with what you are most grateful for? What is one thing you will do to make TODAY fabulous? What is one wish you desire? Then just keep writing. Doors to opportunity and new found creativity are waiting to burst open. Read more about a gratitude practice here.
Is there an area in your life that makes you feel stressed out or overwhelmed? It could be something physical, like your closet that busting at the seams and overflowing with clothes you will never wear again. Perhaps, your days are monotonous and you feel stifled. What is one thing you can change to allow space back into your life? Where can you transform negative energy into something that brings you happiness and a sense of calm? Read 5 ways to connect with your inner Goddess for more insp.
This follows perfectly with creating space. Where can you offload the ‘junk’ in your life. Start with your inbox. Go through and hit unsubscribe to anything you auto delete. Delete old emails and aim to empty your inbox. (I’m still working on this one too!)
Do you have a junk drawer? You know the one where you toss just about anything into? Starting with the physical is easy, and you can be ruthless here, if you haven’t see it, touched it, used it, or worn it in the last 3 months chances are you can safely say goodbye. It is doesn’t spark joy or as I like to say, if it’s not an absolute YES, capital Y, then it’s a no thank you! Don’t just bin it though, donate to charity or offer it to your friends or family first. Save Momma Nature!
When you’ve felt the relief of decluttering something physical, it’s time to go internal. What stories are you telling yourself that you can let go of? Are you living in the past? Are you holding onto a memory, guilt, shame, or fear for any reason? Ask yourself how is this emotion helping me thrive and radiate in daily life? Read more about transforming your home into a wellness sanctuary here.
Beautiful. I want you to think about what really lights you up. What is one thing you are busting to turn into a reality? Say it outloud. Write it down. Share it with someone you trust. Create a vision board and start living that dream. Be the person you see in your dream. How do you feel? What are you wearing? What scents, colours and sensations to you smell, see and can feel. Now ride this wave of manifestation and sprinkle it into every part of your life. You have to be ready to say YES I can.
I’d love to know how you carve out time for you! Share. Pin this post on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram. (tag me @amandavs, #amandavs, #healthyissexy I can’t wait to hear your thoughts)!
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