Monday Motivation: Confidence
If you are waiting for confidence to come tap you on the shoulder, and tell you she is ready to party, you are going to be waiting a LONG time my love.
We all have 2 voices inside our head. One is more like the class bully who tells you that you are not worthy, capable, good enough, pretty enough, thin enough etc etc. The other is your inner cheerleader, the one who gives you the boost of confidence when you need it. The one who reminds you that you are worthy of happiness, love, the job you desire and the life you want.
We need to become aware of the stories we tell ourselves. They shape our lives – whether we realize it or not and whether we like it or not.
The stories we replay over and over again become our reality, we are actually manifesting exactly what we want or don’t want. They become reality and manipulate our interpretation of reality minute by minute, and day by day.
Confidence is like a muscle, you need to work on her. Just like doing squats do firm your tush you need to take daily action to build self confidence. When you show up and make a commitment to yourself that YES you are worthy of everything your heart desires things start to shift.
Become aware of what you tell yourself. What stories are holding you back from living your truth? Go deep, be honest with yourself and try journaling whatever comes to mind, just let it out. Remember back to being a child, are the stories you tell yourself hurting the inner child inside you? Would you talk to your own child that way? Would you talk to your bestie that way?
Change your story
“We need to change our story and become our own inner cheerleader.”
This way the power becomes yours. You are no longer controlled by negativity and fear. You choose to reframe any negative thought into one of love. This is how you can manifest your dream life and live in alignment with your highest self.
I’m curious to hear, what’s one limiting story you are currently telling yourself, and what is the high vibe story you can replace it with? Commit to working on self-confidence by showing up everyday. Really listen to how you speak to yourself. Do you like the voice inside your head? Remember, you can swap any harmful story into one of love and grace. The choice is and always will be yours.
Be sure to read more Monday Motivation posts.
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xo Amanda