Monday Motivation: Slow Down
It’s an irony while we are so dependent on technology to provide us with connection during this time of Covid-19, at the same time many people are suffering from increased depression, anxiety and other mental health challenges.
Slowing down means making time to enjoy your day. It means taking time to enjoy whatever you’re doing — washing dishes, a quiet 5 minutes drinking your morning cup of tea, walking in nature, doing homework with your children etc. No matter what it is, when you take the time to slow down you can appreciate what you already have, and you cultivate the mindset of gratitude.
Instead of just going for a walk, actually be part of the outdoors, put your phone in your pocket and stop looking at it!
Slowing down allows us to focus on whoever we’re talking to or spending time with — instead of having one eye on your screen, and instead of thinking about emails and work tasks. Taking time to focus on one thing at a time — single-tasking, rather than multi-tasking allows us to be much more productive. (Confession: I have trouble with this.)
Slowing down is a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but it leads to such a greater appreciation for life and ultimately a much greater level of happiness. And, that my beautiful is what we all want and deserve? To be healthy and happy!
5 Steps to slow down
Do less
It’s virtually impossible to slow down when you have a million things on your to-do list, or when you multi-task. Instead of creating an opportunity where you function and thrive, you have automatically created a chaotic environment. Instead, try this… Prioritize your absolute must do’s and get those done first. This way, no matter what else you get done in your day, you’ve achieved success. Rub a little Rose essential oil over your heart and allow yourself to soften. Remember, you don’t have to be super woman ALL the time!
Schedule in 15 minute breaks and pull away, this allows your mind to reFRESH, and your ability to focus is greatly enhanced.
Focus on one thing
Stop multi-tasking! When you feel you are getting pulled to switch to other tasks, pause, breathe, and pull yourself back. But also, ask yourself, which task is more important… Sometimes your subconscious pulls you towards what you should be prioritizing. Slowing down allows you to be more conscious and present at the same time.
Slowing down is not enough all on its own — be mindful of whatever you’re doing right in the moment. When you find yourself thinking about your to do list, or something from your past, or perhaps stressing about the future… gently return to the present moment. This is your mind telling you she needs a break. I use Peppermint essential oil throughout my day to keep my mind engaged and in the present moment. This will take patience and a commitment, but it is so worth it, I promise!
Even though the world is so reliant on technology to stay connected with loved ones during this time, you might unconsciously be creating added chaos and creating distractions that ultimately cause more harm than good. Life moves at such a fast pace that before we know, time has gone before we can really took the time to enjoy it. Use your time wisely with technology, notice how you feel after scrolling, or binge watching Netflix… do you feel uplifted or deflated?
Start your day with a 5 minute meditation, or a 5 minute stretch to ease the kinks out of your back, neck and shoulders. Try this again in the afternoon to reSET, reFRESH and reVITALIZE your state of mind.
When you are fully present you have the ability to truly appreciate each and every moment. Start with a simple gratitude ritual. What are 3 things you are grateful for? Choose to see the beauty in everything. There is always a silver lining… if you are willing to see it. For example, when you are washing the dishes, be grateful for the nourishing meal you just ate. Now you have extra time at home, how can you learn to love what you already have? We live in a world where we are always wanting more, more, more. Use this time to find the abundance that already lies within you.
When you start to feel stressed and overwhelm… pause, and take a deep breath. Then take two more. Try this now. Close your eyes and feel your heart expand with every inhale you take. With every exhale allow any unnecessary stress to leave. When you fully focus on each breath, you return to the present moment, and naturally slow down. Continue this breath practice for a minute and see how you feel.
During this time of Covid-19, we are given the perfect opportunity to slow down. We can all use this time to reflect on what we currently have in our life and to be truly grateful for it.
Sending you all love,