Monday Motivation: Taking inspired action
Today’s Monday Motivation conversation is about taking inspired action. The timing to be proactive is perfectly aligned with the energy from this month’s full moon, called the Hunters moon.
What is stopping you from stepping into your power?
Now is your time to take inspired action and to speak up for yourself. You are the only one just like you. There is no-one with your gifts, and no-one who can do what you do. You my love are a beautiful spirit capable of absolutely anything you want.
Do you have any energy blocks you need to release?
Or, how about any old habits that are weighing you down?
What needs changing in your relationships?
Where have you been too reluctant to taking action?
“Breathe is the new, and exhale all that no longer serves you”
This is the time of great energy for communication. Speak up! Speak your voice! Speak your wishes, intentions, needs and wants.
We spend far too much time holding out on ourselves to please others. Now is the time to secure healthy boundaries in all areas of your life.
Open wide
Are there any energy vampires in your life causing unnecessary stress? Open wide to seeing right through someone’s false facades and release the hold they have over you. You no longer need to tolerate this kind of behaviour. It’s perfectly ok to stand up for yourself and to step into your light.
Start with you
Take some time to dive deep internally. Now is the time to invoke your inner warrior goddess and fight for what is right for you. Start with self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. Be gentle to yourself and to others and resist the urge to judge. Strive to be the best version of yourself. You are worth it!
Self-love mantra
I am worth of love
I am love, I am beautiful, I am abundance
I accept and love myself as I am
I can choose how I want to feel and today I choose love and happiness
All that I seek is within me, I do not have to seek it outside of myself
Stay inspired with more Monday Motivations here
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