Monday Motivation: The Magic of doing Less
Today’s Monday Motivation is all about the Magic Of Doing Less.
In today’s society we are led to believe if we do more we will be more successful. A typical 8 hour work day has turned into 10 and quite often 12-16. Does this sound like you? It used to be me. When I worked on shoots or movie sets quite often my days were very long with very little rest time between shoot days. Afterwards, I was left feeling completely depleted, and needed more than a day or two to recover.
Let me ask you… do you work those exact same hours day after day without the luxury of taking a few days off to rejuvenate as you need them? Chances are, what happens next is you crash, suffer from burnout and eventually you get sick.
I encourage you to turn the notion of “working hard” around and start to believe if you work less you actually do become more productive. Such a radical thought right?
Many of us sacrifice sleep for work
But hang on, let’s look at the side effects of sleep deprivation:
- makes you unproductive
- unhappy
- cranky
- moody
- creates brain fog
- Chronic Insomnia is even so bad that it will literally SHRINK your brain.
This is an idea I’ve been playing around with in my own life as a mom + entrepreneur + wife. Amazingly, it’s proven to be true. The more I let go of, the more successful I am. When I allow myself to invite more “white space” into my days, my focus became razor sharp and my energy levels increase. I am no longer left feeling depleted and I am able to give my 100% vs feeling scattered and overextended.
As a female entrepreneur, my work life and family life balance is something I pride myself on. I know my mind, body and spirit thrives with a daily meditation practice, daily physical activity, breathing in “white space” and consuming nourishing foods.
If you’re interested in this way of living, I invite you to read more about my Total Wellness Coaching program. We dive deep into all areas of your life to uncover was is not serving you, to transform, uplift and support living a vibrant, joyful and abundant life.
Meditation is a first step to doing less to achieve more. I invite you to pop in your ear buds, take a comfortable seat, or lie down, close your eyes and hit play. This playlist is one of my favourites and whether you have 5 minutes or 20 allow it to completely transform your mental state.
I’m really looking forward to hearing the results you achieve when you work less! How you live a ChampagneYogi lifestyle!
Please share this post with your family and loved ones. Print out my free Self-Love download, keep it handy for days when your self-love cup needs topping up
If you enjoyed today’s Monday Motivation let me know and share it with a friend! I’d love you to pin it on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram. (tag me @achampagneyogi, #achampagneyogi)!
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