Monday Motivation: Transformation

Spring always feels transformative to me. There are physical changes happening everywhere outdoors. Here in Seattle our skies are bluer, and even though it’s still fairly chilly the sun is more present. Vibrant colorful flowers are popping out of the ground and the cherry trees are in full bloom. What once felt cold, dark, wet and gloomy is slowly transforming into radiance, vibrance, warmth and beauty. Energetically I feel much more bountiful and walk with a little extra pep in my step. Mornings are easier, our routines doesn’t seem so rushed – waking up to daylight helps! I feel my desire to be more active both physically and emotionally.

In winter we tend to hibernate, this is a great time to be reflective by journaling. Now that our days are getting longer, it feels like we have more time to do whatever it is our creativity craves.

Transformation can be such a rewarding gift if you can surrender to it. You need to let go of whatever is holding you back and trust you will transform into who you’re meant to be.

When you have a goal, or desire to create change in your life, fear often steps in. You might notice whispers of self-doubt creep in. Remember this voice is not you. And the words do not define or own you.

Recognize, Acknowledge, Take Action

Recognition is the first step. Acknowledgement comes next. By affirming what it is you are scared of, you remove the fear of fear itself. It becomes a thought, and thoughts can be changed. Next you take inspired action. What tiny, yet achievable steps can you take to get one step closer to your intended goal?

When you step outside your comfort zone, face your fears head on, and commit to growing you step into a growth mindset. You will start to notice new things in your environment that bring you new found joy and gratitude. Pay attention to what/and/or who creates feelings of discomfort and unease. Transformation is only possible when you can push past whatever is holding you back. When things start to shift in one area of our life, they tend to shift in others too. You might find yourself randomly performing a deep clean in your kitchen, or taking up a new hobby.

Be patient and gentle with yourself

Just like a daffodil has to wait an entire year to bloom again, transformation takes time. Remember your path might entail a few ups and downs, but that’s ok. There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned and new opportunities to explore.

I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on an area in you life you’d like to transform. Consider these questions as you journal:

  1. In what area of my life do I need to transform?
  2. How can I be more intentional in my transformation?
  3. What do I need to surrender to?
  4. Who in my life has helped me become the person I am today?
  5. Think back on your life journey so far, write down 3 transformational events you have experienced. What steps did you take to make this possible?
  6. Why is it important I commit to this transformation?

Read more about creating a mindfulness practice, and how to create healthy habits that stick. Be sure to download my FREE Self-Love Rituals for ideas. Remember you are worth it! 💋

I’m excited to hear all about your growth and transformational journey. Be sure to share on Facebook Pintrest or Instagram (tag me @amandavs and #healthyissexy). I’d can’t wait to see how you journey unfolds

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xo Amanda