My December top 10 to-do list


Happy December! ✨While many of your to-do lists this month will include buying and doing for others, remember you deserve a little you time. And you are HUMAN! You don’t have to do it all. Be sure to download my 30 days of Self Love if you need a little inspiration.

Here is what I’m prioritizing for myself this month:

  1. Be gentle with myself
  2. Wake up early enough to meditate before everyone else is up
  3. Practice patience with my girls
  4. Provide gifts with heartfelt meaning not just because
  5. Be present, purposeful and practice prioritizing my to-do list
  6. Say yes to a little extra time for self-care
  7. Sticking to my 40 day Dinacharya practice (daily routine or rituals)
    • Morning gratitude
    • Morning meditation before or with the sunrise
    • Tongue scraping
    • Warm lemon water
    • Morning sadhana (spiritual practice)
    • Nourishing breakfast
    • Walk with Luna out in nature
    • Matcha
    • Movement practice
    • Work on ChampagneYogi apparel launch
    • Nourishing lunch
    • Catch up with friends/family
    • Mid day meditation
    • Time with family
    • Nourishing dinner
    • Read to my girls
    • Evening sadhana practice
    • Gratitude reflections
  8. Spend quality time with friends and family
  9. Work on keeping the boundaries I’ve set
  10. Let my excitement and artistic curiosities guide me

I’d love to hear which of these are on your to-do list?

I’d love for you to share this post with your loved ones who need a gentle reminder they don’t need to be a superhuman this month. Pin this post on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram(tag me @amandavs, #amandavs, #healthyissexy. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts)!

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