My Secret to staying fabulously healthy
I’m often asked how I stay so committed to being healthy. This question always surprises me because, to be honest, I never think about it. I was raised to eat whole foods. Sure, as a teenager I ate candy bars and bagels, who didn’t, but I always enjoy sitting down at the dinner table eating a plate full of vegetables.
Years ago when I was a new momma, I became fiercely committed to raising my girls to be as healthy and vibrant as possible. And ever since, it’s become 2nd nature, just like brushing my teeth.
I often hear from my clients they are too stressed, or work long hours and don’t have the time to prepare nourishing food and that ‘a take-out’ is easier. I also hear others talk about how they are influenced by their environments –– office has doughnuts at breakfast, bagels and cream cheese at lunch time, and you can’t forget about happy hour with friends. The fear of being an outsider sets in, (FOBO) and even though you just want to go home and curl up in your pj’s you end up going anyway and having more than a couple drinks.
My daily healthy must do’s
My routine is really simple and straightforward. I eat whole foods. I drink clean water. I rarely if ever drink alcohol. My caffeine comes in the form of green tea (a super healthy prebiotic). I meditate twice a day, have some form of exercise and every day I get out into nature. I go to bed early and aim for 8 hours of sleep every night. Before I shower I dry body brush and all my personal and home care products are clean, fragrance free, and contain no artificial or toxic ingredients.
It hasn’t been an overnight transition. Over the last couple years I’ve removed all products from our home which contain artificial fragrances and in the last year I’ve committed to meditating twice a day. It’s important to know feeling vibrantly healthy is a journey –– I see it as a lifetime journey. It takes commitment, dedication and it takes wanting to be the healthiest version of yourself.
It is not normal to have headaches, brain fog, panic attacks and anxiety every day. Nor is normal to feel tired, bloated and to suffer from constipation or diarrhea. Women are getting breast cancer in their 30’s. Children have diabetes before the age of 10, this is not normal and most of the time can be prevented
As a society we are accustomed to feeling sick, anxious and depressed (SAD) and use a band-aid approach to cover the symptoms –– over the counter meditations and at times pharmaceuticals. An easy start is to swap out refined sugar with healthier alternatives. For ideas download my FREE SUGAR SWAP GUIDE.
For me, there are 2 key things that help me stay on my wellness journey…
Staying committed to my why…
We all want to feel fabulously healthy, vibrant and sexy… but WHY? Good question right? Why do you want to feel your absolute best? Is it because you want to keep up with your kids without feeling wiped out? Or, because you love to travel and explore? Because you want to go out dancing with your besties, or to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see.
For me, I love the way it makes me feel. I love feeling vibrant, energized, sexy and strong… who doesn’t right? When I feel healthy I can run around with my girls on the playground, go for a long walk with Luna, swim for hours in the ocean, or teach 3 back to back barre classes without feeling like I’m going to pass out.
I also need to be present for Stella. There are days, sometimes weeks where she has back to back seizures and I get little to no sleep. I need to be my strongest, most vibrant self to be there for her when she needs me the most. Taking care of your child who is fighting for their life day after day puts life into perspective. I want to give her every fighting chance possible to recover and bounce back and me being fabulously healthy makes that possible.
What comes to mind for you? What is your why? Why do you want to be fabulously healthy and stay committed to your wellness journey?
Knowledge is Power
My beautiful friend, the biggest reason people lose their pazazz and commitment is due to lack of knowledge. When you really understand what healthy is and how vital choosing healthy is for the longevity of your life, you simply just become that –– You choose healthy.
Educate yourself. When you know the repercussions of eating a bag of chips, greasy fast food, diet sodas, or candy, you simply choose not to. When you know something doesn’t make you feel healthy, you have to first accept that, and then the decision is yours to make.
I choose to be fabulously healthy because of how it makes me feel and because I want to give my body every chance possible of longevity.
Commit to finding out what healthy means to you and your family!
When you really understand what healthy is and how vital choosing healthy is for the longevity of your life, you simply just become that –– You choose healthy.
When you have the knowledge you can stay committed. Knowledge is empowering and gives you the strength to make the right decisions for you and your family.
I pride myself on being a lifelong student, constantly reading the latest science and research on optimal health. Find whatever feels authentic to you. Watch documentaries, read books, listen to podcasts, hire a coach, take a course –– just be educated and then ultimately the decision is yours to make. I choose healthy. What do you choose?
I want to hear from you. What is your why? Why do you want to feel fabulously healthy? What does that truly mean to you?
As always, I am here to inspire you to be your absolute best version of yourself. I thank you for being committed to to your own personal wellness journey. Be sure to check out my Total Wellness Coaching Program if you are ready to feel fabulously healthy too! Healthy is SEXY!
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