
How I make my Matcha + Health Benefits
Beverages, Recipes, WellnessMATCHA. How I love thee! Have you tried it yet?? I started drinking matcha about 5 years ago after being a loyal green tea fan. I gave up coffee 27 years ago when I was working as a Makeup Artist as it made my hands shake and there was no way…

Green Coconutty Smoothie
Beverages, RecipesA refreshing green smoothie that has quickly become a favourite in the Wellness Warrior community. If you are not yet a fan of green smoothies, the Green Coconutty Smoothie just might convert you.Do you ever need a quick morning refresher,…

nuttybutter shake
Beverages, Breakfast, RecipesThe Nuttybutter Shake is a simple green smoothie that has the consistency of a milkshake (thank you coconut milk) but contains all the green goodness you'd expect of a green smoothie.You'll taste why the Wellness Warrior community is obsessed…

Wellness Tonic
BeveragesIf you are feeling like you need a little pick me up, then this Wellness Tonic is for you. Perhaps you’ve had a long day at the office or maybe you are starting to feel run down? Scratchy throat? Sniffles? Or it could be something as simple…

Herbalicious Green Smoothie
Beverages, RecipesThe Herbalicious Green Smoothie is both delicious and refreshing... I promise! I am so excited to share this gorgeous green smoothie recipe with you. I whipped it up this past weekend for lunch and knew I had to share it immediately, it's that…

Fruit Cocktail Smoothie
BeveragesThis post contains referral links for products we love. ChampagneYogi earns a small commission on these links at no cost to you, and the links will always be marked with an asterisk. We ♡ honesty!This gorgeous fruit cocktail smoothie…

Easy Breezy Green Smoothie
Beverages, RecipesDo you ever have days where you want something healthy to eat but don't really have the energy or motivation to get super creative?I had one of those days today. After my workout this morning I needed a refresher and was feeling a little…

Purple Haze Smoothie
Beverages, Breakfast, RecipesSerena created this Purple Haze Smoothie one day after school. She kept with our basic must have ingredients for a nutrient dense after school snack; healthy fats, greens, and protein but added a handful of extra berries to create the magical…

Drink Your Greens Breakfast Smoothie
Beverages, BreakfastGetting enough greens in a day can be challenging! That’s one of the reasons I love this smoothie. And the reason why I called it "Drink Your Greens Breakfast Smoothie".This protein packed green smoothie is my go-to meal before I teach…

Iced Matcha Latte
BeveragesI think i’ve been drinking matcha almost daily for the last 5 years. What really sold me on it – other than the incredibly yummy taste, was my Naturopath telling me Matcha is a fabulous prebiotic and it actually helps strengthen the gut…