Self-Care that costs zero out of pocket expense

We are blessed to live in an age where the importance of self-care and self-love are well recognized. A luxurious facial or massage sounds absolutely heavenly but it’s not likely we would indulge in either weekly, let alone daily.

I like to think of self-care as daily rituals of self-love: how you treat your mind, body and spirit on a daily basis. Self-care is how you show up for you! Be sure to download my free self-love rituals to give you some ideas.

Have you ever felt over-stressed, overworked or over-extended in any area of your life? If so you know what it’s like to have no life balance. Introducing micro daily rituals of self-love can transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary day.

A daily ritual, or treat can indeed be an act of pampering, but even more important is the ability to set healthy boundaries, and clear expectations for yourself. Knowing when to graciously say no thank you is a true act of self-care.


Below I break down self-care into 3 simple categories.

Treat Yourself

Make a list of what brings you the most pleasure.  Simple rituals such as reading a book, diffusing your favourite essential oils, listening to a podcast, sing out loud or painting a picture. Even taking a bath, spending time in nature or having a nap. Check off 3 you want to do this week and put them into your calendar. Make an affirmation out loud where you state your dedication to self-care. It might sound like, “I am worthy of…”, or “I give myself permission to do…” Start today, and keep track how each little ritual makes you feel.

No thank you

Every plant, animal and person contains an energy source that either uplifts and empowers you, or drags you down and leaves you feeling depleted.  Right away you can probably name people in your life from either category and know exactly who brings out the best in you and who leaves you questioning yourself. Pay close attention to what and who truly lights you up and brings you joy; this is your YES PLEASE! You want to feel a deep burning desire to say yes, if the feeling is more of a “ugh or blah”, then it’s a NO THANK YOU.

You can say “yes please” or “no thank you” to any person, place or thing. 

It might seem selfish at first to turn down an after work social, but not if your body is craving rest and relaxation. Signing up to volunteer at your daughters school might feel like the “right” thing to do, but not if you are already maxed out with a 50 hour work week.


  • Look at areas of your life where you respond automatically with a yes, but then regret it seconds later.
  • Take a look at your environment – home and work life and determine what if anything is causing any stress.
  • Think of your friendship circle – is there someone who creates any feelings of unease?
  • Think of the environments you frequent most – do they bring you joy?

If anything came to mind as a “no thank you” then it’s got to go, people included. This lifetime is too short, precious to be wasted on anything that is not an absolute YES!

Personal Space

Personal space became a word I used when I felt myself feeling triggered and knew I needed Amanda time. You can create a physical sign you hang on your bedroom door to let your kids know when you need 10 minutes of quiet time. I love to tie a bow around the bathroom door handle when I’m taking a goddess bath. My girls know this is Mommy’s self-love time and not to interrupt. (They have been known to slip a note under the door asking a question, but they know not to enter.)


  • Where is your sanctuary? Think of a place in your home that allows you privacy. Is this a boundary you need to create?
  • Put your phone on do not disturb for 15 minutes in the afternoon and find a quiet place to close your eyes and meditate. I understand emergencies come up. I created a healthy boundary during my sacred do not disturb time by  programming my phone to disturb me if either of my girls, sister or school nurse calls more than once. I’ve also let them know if there is a true emergency and I don’t answer to call right back. My phone will push the call through. 
  • Before or after work, go for an uninterrupted walk, or other form of movement. Carve out 30 minutes and if possible aim for an hour.

I often hear from my clients they have no time for themselves, but I don’t buy into that. We choose where we spend our time. Tip: check your screen time on your phone, and then check the time you spend on social media.

Self-care is not an indulgence. It’s a lifestyle. The more you flex your self-love muscle the stronger it will become.

I’d love to hear your favourite self-care rituals! Don’t forget to download your self-love guide and let me know which rituals you love the most. 

Be sure to share on Facebook Pintrest or Instagram (tag me @amandavs and #healthyissexy). I’d can’t wait to see how you journey unfolds

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