The power of naming your wounds

Each of us navigates the world with unique gifts, strengths, and talents that cannot be replicated by anyone else. As caregivers, we can only share these gifts to the extent that we’ve faced and tended to the tender places where our wounds reside. A key part of our caregiving journey is learning to articulate and understand what we are going through. Embracing our wounds with compassion allows us to move forward toward healing and growth.

We cannot heal from wounds that we continue to ignore or lack the language to name. Taking time to connect with yourself—mind, body, and spirit—can provide the insight needed to identify and nurture the parts of you that need care. By exploring the areas where your wounds reside, you gain a new understanding of how old traumas, patterns, and sources of grief, guilt & shame manifest in your caregiving role and personal life.

When you hold all your experiences with compassion, you create the opportunity to explore what healing might look like for you. Healing unseen wounds can help you uncover and fully express your innate caregiving gifts, strengths, and resilience.

Everyone’s journey will look slightly different, as we are each unique and require something that honors our individuality. Below are some practices that may support you in building a healing routine that aligns with your caregiving path and personal growth.

Make your healing practice a priority in your life

Whatever self-care practices you are committed to, make them a priority. Far too often busy ourselves with work, caring for those around us, to-do lists, errands, and the endless external commitments we take on. Yes, this is important, but you deserve to take up space in your schedule. Commit to your self-care and healing journey; you are worthy of your own care.

Invest in healing therapies

Perhaps, energy healing with reiki, sound healing, acupuncture, acupressure, massage therapy, aroma therapy, crystals, etc. Be explorative find one, or a few, that resonate with you; ones that bring you joy and that you look forward to.

Practice somatic releasing

All of our experiences are stored in our bodies in some capacity. Learning to reconnect with your body through any form of somatic connection can help to find ways to release trauma or patterns that have been stored yet are holding you back from living a joy-filled life.

Nature Therapy

If it calls to you, spend time in nature; close to water, in a forest, at a park, in the mountains, etc. where you can connect to the healing energy of Mother Nature. Educate yourself with healing herbs and ancient plant medicine. These tools allow you to access new forms of healing and can help break down barriers and old wounds.

Be open to new experiences

As you participate in healing, there will be bumps and setbacks to navigate.  Be open to new beginnings, and if something doesn’t resonate don’t be afraid to release it. Try committing to entering new environments and trying new practices as you evolve and grow.

Naming your unseen wounds and discovering the healing methods that work is a process. There will be moments of clarity and moments of difficulty. This is okay. Each experience is part of your self-discovery.

When we take time to know all parts of ourselves deeply, we permit ourselves to uncover our unique gifts and strengths. We can then share our whole self and recognize our purpose and truth.

With deep gratitude,