caregivers inspiration


Monday Motivation: Is your self-love cup overflowing?

Today's Monday Motivation asks YOU the reader Is Your Self-Love Cup overflowing? Meaning, do you feel fulfilled in all areas of your life? Are you nurtured in mind, body and spirit?The Total Wellness lifestyle is one of vibrance and feeling…

Monday Motivation: Be the first

Be the first Monday Motivation is your weekly dose of mindfulness and inspiration delivered directly to your mailbox. These "mini posts" are written to clear out negative mental chatter, uplift your mind, body and spirit and motivate you so…
Meditation and Meditation practiceChampagneYogi

Manifesting and Meditation, and why I make it a daily priority

Wow I'll be turning 46 next month! At one point in my life this sounded so old to me, but not anymore. I honestly feel more alive, vibrant, energetic and full of purpose than ever before. And why is that you ask? Because I manifest and meditate…
Quality family timeChampagneYogi

Health basics for your littles

As a momma of 3, I know how important health awareness is for your littles. That's why I created this simple HEALTH BASICS for your littles (children) checklist to follow.You are your child's role model in every area of life. Children even…

Monday Motivation: The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself

I hope today's Monday Motivation will give you a gentle reminder to be a little more compassionate with yourself.How you treat yourself is a direct reflection how you want others to treat you.The most important relationship you'll…

Monday Motivation: letting go of fear

Today's Monday Motivation is about letting go off fear.Far too often when we think about our future an overwhelming sense of fear and worry takes over. This is the perfect time to STOP "Negative Nellie" in her tracks and remind yourself…

Monday Motivation: love

Today's Monday Motivation is inspired by the simple act of love.When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? Or lifted you up? Brought a smile to your face? Made you feel special? Inspired you to be a better version of yourself?I…

Monday Motivation: I love myself unconditionally as I am

Today's Monday Motivation is very simple. Let this be where your focus begins. Start your day, your week or any time you need to clear any negativity inside your head with this simple affirmation:"I love myself unconditionally as I am"Far…