Monday Motivation: The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself

I hope today’s Monday Motivation will give you a gentle reminder to be a little more compassionate with yourself.

How you treat yourself is a direct reflection

how you want others to treat you.

The most important relationship you’ll ever have is with YOURSELF. How you treat yourself is a direct reflection how you want others to treat you.

I wholeheartedly believe SELF-LOVE is at the heart of every healthy and loving relationship.

It all starts with you beautiful

YOU are the the most important relationship that you need to nurture daily.

Until you find that spark of deep soulful love within yourself for yourself, relationships with others will always be at best surface deep.

Shush your Negative Nellie internal dialogue

How you speak to yourself. How you nourish your mind, body and spirit. The boundaries you set, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable all impact the relationship you have with yourself.

A daily gratitude practice is one of my favourite self-love practices. My sister recommend it to me a couple years ago, and I’ve stuck with it every single day. Serena, my 8 year old started her own gratitude practice after seeing me write in my journal, and it’s one she shares proudly with her friends who spend the night.

I invite you to start a daily gratitude practice. Pick up a pen, start jotting down what you are most grateful for in the morning, and in the evening what can you celebrate about today? Download your Gratitude Prompt here. 









A gratitude practice can transform and uplift you. It can pull you out of “compare and despair” mode. Having gratitude in your life provides a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

The easiest way to practice gratitude is to turn it into a daily habit. Commit to these simple gratitude prompts every day, and I promise it will be your favourite act of self love.

Read this post to learn more about starting a gratitude practice, and be sure to download your FREE self love rituals to further your self love practice.


If you enjoyed today’s Monday Motivation let me know and share it with a friend! I’d love you to pin it on Pinterest or share it on Facebook. Post on Instagram(tag me @amandavs, #amandavs and #healtyissexy), I’d love to see your act of self-love!

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